Familiarizing the relationship between life, people and oneself

Hello dear respondent. Glad to see you there!

This study is conducted with the main objective of familiarizing the relationship between life, people and oneself. I hope to target different people from all ages, cities and countries. This is a very exciting sociological survey, to some extent, knowledge of oneself and one`s thinking.
Try to be guided by your heart and soul when answering a question.

The survey is anonymous, the data will be used in the research work of the higher education institution.
Are you comfortable where you are now? (school, college, university, work, etc.)

You stand on the shore and look into the sea. Your feelings (you can close your eyes). Important: remember your first impressions. This answer is an indicator of your attitude to life, emotions, sensations.

Do you consider yourself a happy person?

What source of happiness is needed for you to be happy?

Do you believe in miracles (miracle)?

How do you think how a miracle happens in our life?

Are you familiar with your inner child? The inner child is a source of intuition, a source of pure energy of creativity and creation. This is our ability to live "to the fullest", for real, here and now (if you forgot, then watch the children how they live every day).

Are you satisfying the needs/desires of your inner child? Our inner child thinks in terms of “want” and is responsible for vitality, motivation, and the generation of ideas. It is free from patterns and limiting beliefs. The child wants first of all to have fun and entertainment.

Is there any big goal in your life that inspires you and makes you want to clap your hands?

Is it easy for you to find the language of communication (points of contact) with people new to you?

How do you feel about the presence of Russians in your country?

What country are you from?

Your gender:

How old are you?

Who do you belong to:

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