The European Union after Brexit

The study is devoted to the causes and consequences of the EU crisis.
Do you think there is a crisis in the European Union? When answer is 1 or 2 you go to the next question.

What could be the reasons of a crisis in the European Union?

What might be the reasons of the Brexit?

What are the consequences of the Brexit and what is the future of the EU?

Is your country a member state of the EU? If your answer is 1 you go to the next question.

Would you like your country to exit from the EU? If your answer is 1 you go to the next question. If your answer is 2, 3 and 4 you go to the 8th question

Why should your country exit from the EU?

Why should your country stay a member of the EU?

What is your attitude about the exit of Britain from the EU?



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